Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Self-love, Narcissism, Narcissists, Psychopaths,


And Relationships with Abusers, Stalkers, and Bullies

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Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited

By: Sam Vaknin, Professor of Clinical Psychology

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     Sam Vaknin   Psych-UK Award

Are YOU Confused and Frightened?

Are YOU being abused? Bullied? Stalked? Harassed? Victimized?

You are not Alone!

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Alphabetical Index of the content, themes, and subjects of this Site - Click HERE!

Topic Guides about Relationships with Abusive Narcissists and Psychopaths - Click HERE!

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? - Click HERE!

Relationships with Abusive Narcissists and Psychopaths - Click HERE!

Abuse in Intimate Relationships - Click HERE!

Spousal Abuse and Domestic Violence - Click HERE!

Frequently Asked Questions about narcissism and abuse - Click HERE!

Frequently Asked Questions about other Personality Disorders - Click HERE!

Journal Entries: The Mind of the Narcissist - Click HERE!

The World of the Narcissist - Click HERE!

Home of the Narcissistic Abuse List - Click HERE!

Excerpts from the Archives of the Narcissism List - Click HERE!

Mental Health and Psychology Dictionary

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The content of this Web site is based on correspondence since 1996
With hundreds of people suffering from the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (narcissists)
And with thousands of their family members, friends, therapists, and colleagues.

This Site Contains more than 1400 Pages and is Updated Weekly

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Malignant Self Love - Buy the Book - Click HERE!!!

Relationships with Abusive Narcissists - Buy the e-Books - Click HERE!!!

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Read Sample Chapters of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited" - Click HERE! and HERE!

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The narcissist is an actor in a monodrama, yet he is forced to remain behind the scenes.

The scenes take centre stage, instead.

The Narcissist does not cater at all to his own needs. Contrary to his reputation, the Narcissist does not "love" himself in any true sense of this loaded word.

The narcissist feeds off other people who hurl back at him an image that he projects to them. This is their sole function in his world : to reflect his False Self, to admire him, to applaud his actions, even to detest and fear him - in a word, to assure him that he exists by giving him constant attention.

Otherwise, the narcissist feels that they have no right to tax his time, energy, or emotions.

In the essay, I survey the main body of research about Narcissism.

The Frequently Asked Questions deal with various aspects of narcissistic (often abusive) behavior, traits, personality, and style - and there is much more in the journal entries and in the hundreds of excerpts from the Narcissistic Abuse Study List.

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Contents - The World of the Narcissist (Essay)

Introduction: Narcissism - The Soul of a Narcissist - The State of the Art

Chapter One: Narcissism - Being Special

Chapter Two: Narcissism - Uniqueness and Intimacy

Chapter Three: The Workings of a Narcissist - A Phenomenology

Chapter Four: The Tortured Self - The Inner World of the Narcissist

Chapter Five: Narcissists and Women

Chapter Six: The Concept of Narcissistic Supply

Chapter Seven: The Concepts of Narcissistic Accumulation and of Narcissistic Regulation

Chapter Eight: The Narcissist's Emotional Involvement Preventive Measures

Chapter Nine: Narcissistic Loss of Control of Grandiosity

Want to Learn More about ...

Narcissism, Pathological Narcissism, The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), the Narcissist,

and Relationships with Abusive Narcissists and Psychopaths

----> Get Your Questions Answered in the Frequently Asked Questions about Narcissism and Abuse

-----> Explore the Mind of the Narcissist

-----> Read Excerpts from the Narcissistic Abuse Study List

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Topic Guides about Relationships with Abusive Narcissists and Psychopaths

Toxic Relationships with Malignant Narcissists and Psychopaths
How to Recognize a Narcissist Before It is Too Late?

Narcissists and Personality Disordered Mates, Spouses, and Partners

Narcissists, Psychopaths, Sex, and Marital Fidelity

VIDEOS The Narcissist's Sexuality

Narcissistic and Psychopathic Parents and Their Children

Projection and Projective Identification - Abuser in Denial

Approach-Avoidance Repetition Compulsion and Fear of Intimacy

The Narcissist or Psychopath Hates your Independence and Personal Autonomy

I miss him so much - I want him back!

Guilt? What Guilt? Remorse? What Remorse?

How Victims are Pathologized and re-abused by the System

The Narcissist and Psychopath in Society

The Narcissist and Psychopath as Criminals

The Narcissist is Above the Law

The Narcissist as Liar and Con-man


VIDEOS Psychopathic Narcissists in Social Settings

Pathological Narcissism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy


VIDEOS Mind of the Psychopathic Narcissist 


Does the Narcissist Have a Multiple Personality (Dissociative Identity Disorder)?


Narcissists and Emotions

Narcissists as Drama Queens

The Narcissist as Know-it-all

The Narcissist as Vampire or Machine

Narcissists and Psychopaths Devalue Their Psychotherapists

Violent, Vindictive, Sadistic, and Psychopathic Narcissists

Portrait of the Narcissist as a Young Man

Grandiosity, Fantasies, and Narcissism

Narcissists and Mood Disorders

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More Information about Pathological Narcissism

Abusive Relationship Newsletter

The Mind of One Narcissist: Sam Vaknin Journalizes and Blogs

Narcissism at a Glance

Narcissistic Personality Disorder at a Glance

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Tips

What is Abuse (series)

Abuse in the Family (series)

 A Primer on Narcissism

Personality Disorders

HealthyPlace Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Community

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Chats and Interviews

Financial Times: When narcissism becomes pathological (click HERE to download the article)

HealthyPlace Narcissism and Abuse Videos


Narcissists as Abusers TV Shows

(Click "On Demand" at the bottom of the player and select the relevant shows on narcissism and abuse)

HealthyPlace CHAT with Sam Vaknin

Relationships with Abusive Narcissists CHAT

Narcissists in the Workplace Chat Transcript

WhoHub Interview

Help Me Rhonda! radio talk show on narcissists

Listen to an Interview with Monda Williams

Audrey Michelle Talks to Sam Vaknin – Click HERE, HERE, HERE, or HERE

Listen to an Interview with Phil Hendrie - Part I, Part II

WebMD Narcissism Chat with Sam Vaknin

Mental Health Today Narcissism Chat

Dialogs about Narcissism and Abuse

Listen to Network Courage Interview: HERE and HERE

Download all Narcissism and Abuse CHAT TRANSCRIPTS

Narcissism in the Workplace - New Narc City - Interview in the New York Press

Listen to an INTERVIEW about Narcissism and Abuse with Sam Vaknin

Listen to Conversations with a Narcissist - Click HERE for MP3

ABC Radio Psychopaths in Suits - Listen or Read Transcript

Narcissism - Listen to the Infinite Mind Radio Show

Mirror, Mirror - Interview with the Toronto Sun

The Monster in the Mirror (Sunday Times)

More! Magazine: Has your man got a cheating disorder

"I, Narcissist and Cruel" (Radio-Television Suisse)

Egomania (Channel 4 Documentary in the United Kingdom) - Wikipedia Entry

I, Psychopath (Documentary) - CBC and IMDB (Vaknin and "I, Psychopath")

Case Studies on the Psychopath and Narcissist Survivors Support Group

Ask Sam on the Psychopath and Narcissist Survivors Support Group

Ask Sam on the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Forum

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 Click HERE to download a ZIP file with  interviews, chat transcripts, dialogs, bibliographies, and scholarly articles

Write to for a Phone or E-mail Consultation

The contents of this website are not meant to substitute for professional help and counseling. The readers are discouraged from using it for diagnostic or therapeutic ends. The diagnosis and treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder can only be done by professional specifically trained and qualified to do so. 

The author is certified in Psychological Counseling Techniques by Brainbench.

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This material is copyrighted. Free, unrestricted use is allowed on a non commercial basis.
The author's name and a link to this Website must be incorporated in any reproduction of the material for any use and by any means.

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This Website is sponsored by the Publisher:

Narcissus Publications

Established 1997 and Incorporated 1998

Under new ownership since 2013

For enquiries, contact Sam Vaknin